Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Review: Yogi Cherry Almond Crunch

I love this cereal! I'm a big believer in layering cereals together. Every morning, I eat Grapenuts, Barbara's Shredded Wheats, and Yogi's Cherry Almond Crunch. Then I add on some flax seed and frozen blueberries before pouring on some milk. Obviously, each ingredient is a small amount so that together my bowl of cereal isn't gigantic!

This cereal has a good mix of wholesome ingredients: OatsBarleySpeltAmaranthQuinoaEvaporated Cane, JuiceBrown Rice FlourBrown RiceWhole Wheat FlourVegetable OilAlmondsSaltNatural Flavors. Since the other cereals I'm eating with it aren't sweet at all, this cereal adds a perfect amount of sweetness.

It is pricey. I wait for Whole Foods to put it on sale every few months and pick up several boxes at a time. I believe it's normally over $4 a box. On sale, I get it for $3 a box. To me, it's worth the price since it adds more grains in my morning cereal, gives me an added sweetness, and is the right texture compliment to my other cereals! 

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